Thursday, November 27, 2008



by: ELLEN ZOE GOLDEN/The Bevy 800-548-1753

Playa Hermosa, COSTA RICA August 31, 2008 – As was expected, the Pacific Ocean in Playa Hermosa surged to 7-10 foot waves with favorable wind giving optimal conditions to the first-ever Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica. Gathered together in this spectacle were surfers of over 35 years of age fighting to the end today at 1 p.m. in the best spectacle of tubes seen in years in this match organized by the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica (FSC). The Board of Directors of the FSC will make a National Selection from these winners for the International Surfing Assocation Masters event next year in Costa de Caparica, Portugal.

Carried out in front of Hotel Terrazas del Pacífico this weekend, waves were breaking perfect towards both sides, the peak surf came during two categories—35 to 40 years of age and 40 to 45 years of age. Randall “frijol” Chávez, who won 1st place in the 35 to 40 division, immediately stole the show with his long right tube of at least 7 feet that drew the emotions of a grateful public in this máximum expression of surf.

The National Costa Rican Masters Champion, gleaned from the Circuito Nacional de Surf (CNS), Mauro Sergio Oliveira, made every effort with an enviable arsenal to win his heats. Nevertheless, the classic technique and experience of others in his category were more radical and innovative, and he was relegated to 3rd place after Randall and 2nd place Tommy Bernsdorf.

For surfers división 40 to 45, Alejandro Monge fulfilled his lifetime promise and took 1st place with long hauls and aggressive roundhouses in the amazing tubes. Víctor Fallas and Christophe “Kiki” Commarieu, kept up with him during the 25-minute heat, and obtained the 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively.

In the category 45 to 50, the North American who lives in Puerto Viejo near Limon with the solo name of “Tequila,” grabbed a glorious tube and with it 10 points that awed the panel of judges. This was a prolonged and cylindrical right that he took inside, and found a small window out perfectly. It was the best wave of the event and it earned Tequila 1st place in his división.

The very good surfer Brian Michael, who calls himself, “probably more of a ripper,” earned 2nd place and Ian Douglas 3rd.

And finally, in the gold category—50 years or more, Ian Douglas bootstrapped himself to 1st, with Edward Alexander at 2nd.

With the completion of this Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica, the FSC not only completed the contest itself, but also recognized some of the surfers who put Costa Rican surfing on the map. Carlos Villalobos, who was a 10-time National Champion in the ‘80s and ‘90s, as well as Mario “fuerzas” Rodríguez, a historic Tico surf figure, were both highlighted this weekend.

“This weekend was very positive and the legends gave their all at this competition,” declared José Ureña, President of the FSC. “On the other hand, we are thankful that they participated in organizating and competing so that we were finally able to carry out a contest just for the Masters. They certainly showed us that they are at good level for the National Selection that we in Costa Rica need to compete internationally.”


Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica

August 29, 30, 31

Category 50 Years or More

1- Ian Douglas

2- Edward Alexander

Category 45 – 50 Years

1- Craig “Tequila” Schieber

2- Brian Michael

3- Ian Douglas

Category 40 – 45 Years

1- Alejandro Monge

2- Víctor Fallas

3- Christophe “Kiki” Commarieu

Category 35 – 40 Years

1- Randall Chávez

2- Tommy Bernsdorf

3- Mauro Sergio Oliveira


by: ELLEN ZOE GOLDEN/The Bevy 800-548-1753

Playa Hermosa, COSTA RICA August 27, 2008 – José Ureña, President of the Federacion de Surf (FSC) de Costa Rica, announced today the first Master’s tournament (featuring surfers more than 35 years of age) to be carried out in front of Hotel Terrazas del Pacífico this weekend, August 29, 30 and 31.

Called Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica, the FSC have initiated this contest to demonstrate a new level of respect for the pioneers of surf. The main objective is to come up with a Costa Rican National Surf Team of Masters selected from athletes who are over 35 years of age and who paved the wave for this countries surf history. Some of these surfers have stayed faithful to the Circuito Nacional de Surf (CNS), Costa Rica’s annual countrywide surf tournament, participating in the Master and Open categories. In doing so, are favored in the Leyendas de Costa Rica with their constant competitive participation.

Nevertheless, the bulk of the surfers who will be featured on Saturday the 30th, and Sunday the 31th, were many of the figures that created the Costa Rica surf dream in the decades of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, years in which the birth of the recreational sport occurred in this country. The categories open for the Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica will be 35 to 40 years of age, 40 to 45, 45 to 50 and 50 and older.

The FSC are honored to gather these men who kickstarted surfing in Costa Rica at the same location that will next year—July 2009—host the Billabong ISA World Surfing Games. Terrazas del Pacífico, is known for its quality surf, typically 6-feet, and a slight swell is expected this weekend making it about 7 feet by Sunday.

To date, numerous infamous masters have RSVPed for the contest, expressing interest in participating in the first-ever Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica. Nowadays, many of these legends of surf are important industrials or entrepreneurs. There’s a famous phrase from Fernando Aguerre, President of the International Surfing Assocation (ISA): “One does not stop surfing because one becomes old, one surfs not to become old!”

After this event, the FSC Board of Directors will be analyzing their impressions of the Torneo Leyendas de Costa Rica to form a National Selection of Masters who can represent Costa Rica in the international ISA competition next year in Portugal.

Saturday evening in Playa Hermosa, there will be a nighttime surfing contest open to everyone regardless of age, with cash for the winners. That same night will be a Hawaiian celebration with a great barbeque to celebrate the pioneers of Costa Rican surf.

The inscriptions for the Leyendas de Costa Rica will be Friday, August 29, in the Hotel Terrazas del Pacífico, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and will cost $20.


de - Contest just for Masters Division set for Playa Hermosa on 8/30 to 9/1 - CARLOS ENRIQUE BRENES PARA LA FEDERACIÒN DE SURF: El fin de semana del 30 de agosto y 1 de setiembre en Terrazas del Pacífico de Playa Hermosa, Jacó, se llevará a cabo el primer torneo para los surfeadores mayores de 35 años. El primer torneo dedicado a las Leyendas de Costa Rica y organizado por la Federación de Surf de Costa Rica (FSC) busca entre otras cosas consolidar una selección nacional Master para los compromisos internacionales. El día 29 en el Hotel Terrazas del Pacífico de 5 p.m. a 7 p.m. se realizarán las inscripciones para el torneo que iniciará el sábado 30 apartir de las 8 a.m. Esa misma noche, dedicado a las leyendas, la fiesta hawaiana en el hotel y con surf nocturno que la categoría Open protagonizará. Durante ese fin de semana el Hotel Terrazas del Pacífico tendrá tarifas especiales para los surfistas que deseen hospedarse ahí mismo. Los paquetes económicos incluyen habitaciones para 3 y 4 personas, en 60 dólares por noche. Aquellos surfistas mayores de 35 años que deseen hacer inscripciones previas, lo pueden hacer al teléfono 22 35 64 00 o bien al correo

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