Thursday, November 27, 2008


21 de octubre del 2006


Juegos Mundiales de Surf 2006

Ticos a las puertas de un éxito histórico

* Equipo nacional es la mejor delegación Latinoamericana con excepción de Brasil

El equipo costarricense que participa en la edición 21 de los Juegos Mundiales de Surf (WSG, en inglés) -que finalizan mañana en Huntington Beach, California- está a punto de quedarse en las posiciones de privilegio del ranking general de las 33 naciones que participan en estas justas.

En una revisión llevada a cabo hoy en la mañana (8 a.m.) la página web de la Internacional Surfing Association –organización que lleva a cabo los Juegos- precisaba que los ticos sumaban 11 720 puntos.

La cifra permite que el representativo de la Federación de Surf de Costa Rica ocupe el sétimo lugar por encima de todas las delegaciones latinoamericanas presentes en la prueba con excepción de Brasil.

En los Juegos del año 2004, que tuvieron lugar en Ecuador, el grupo de la Federación terminó en el noveno peldaño que era el mejor resultado del país en estas competencias; no obstante, ese balance podría quedar superado mañana en el cierre de los WSG 2006.

“Todavía falta un día para que se termine el calendario acá en California, pero existen un 99 por ciento de posibilidades de que concluyamos en el sétimo escalón que sería un logró histórico para el surf costarricense. Este resultado superaría lo que hicimos dos años atrás en Ecuador”, expresó el Presidente de la Federación costarricense, Antonio Pilurzu.

El site de la ISA establece que en liderato se encontraba Australia (20 680), seguido de Brasil (20 370), Estados Unidos (19 595), Hawai (16 550), Sudáfrica (16 290), Francia (13 560) y Costa Rica.

Además, en el plano organizativo durante la reunión bianual de la asamblea plenaria de la ISA esa entidad deportiva –que tiene el reconocimiento del Comité Olímpico Internacional- acordó de manera unánime otorgar a Costa Rica la condición de miembro de “pleno derecho”.

“Un honor de este calibre nos permitirá formar parte de los proyectos de la ISA y una presencia en las reuniones con voz y voto. Este paso lo interpretamos con un apoyo al trabajo que ha realizado la Federación y el Circuito Nacional de Surf en los últimos años”, indicó el Secretario de la Federación y Director de la Revista Surfos , Cristophe Commarieu.

Balance positivo

En la mañana de hoy el tablista de Puerto Viejo de Limón, Gilbert Brown, terminó en la cuarta posición del repechaje de la ronda open con 8,78 puntos. El primer lugar lo ocupó Julian Wilson de Australia (14,17), luego Sebastian Zeitz de Hawai (11,04) y en el tercer puesto el mexicano, Diego Cadena (8,83).

“Unicamente falta saber los resultados finales, pero ya es seguro que Gilbert concluirá la presentación en Huntington Beach entre los primeros 16 del mundo en la división open . Ese es un resultado que ningún tico había conseguido antes en unos Juegos Mundiales”, reveló el representante de Surfos .

La fructífera presentación de los ticos en los WSG se terminó de redondear luego de que hoy en la tarde Lisbeth Vindas, Germaine Myrie, Diego Naranjo, Luis Vindas y Gilbert Brown quedaran escogidos para representar al país en la modalidad “tag team” que enfrenta solamente a los ocho mejores equipos de los WSG.

El reporte de Commarieu indica que hoy los ticos del “tag team” se enfrentaron ante Perú, Australia y Tahití manga en que ocuparon el segundo lugar. Por eso, mañana los costarricenses se presentarán en la final de este tipo de prueba que les permitiría cerrar con broche de oro una jornada llena de alegrías.

Las personas que deseen más información al respecto se pueden comunicar con Luis Castrillo, periodista de la Federación de Surf de Costa Rica, tel (506). 3639921. El torneo en California se puede presenciar en vivo en la siguiente página de internet:

Los mejores del torneo

El equipo de Costa Rica se roza con las mejores naciones del mundo en Huntington Beach 2006 donde compiten 33 delegaciones.

1. Australia: 20 680 puntos.
2. Brasil: 20 370.
3. Estados Unidos: 19 595.
4. Hawai: 16 550.
5. Sudáfrica: 16 290.
6. Francia: 13 560.
7. Costa Rica: 11 720.
8. Portugal: 10 740.
9. Tahití: 10 593.
10. México: 10 202.


Ellen Zoe Golden 1-800-578-1753



Huntington Beach , California - October 21, 2006. At 7:20 a.m. this morning, in cool but sunny climate, Gilbert Brown of Puerto Viejo, the last remaining Costa Rica Surf Team member in the 2006 Lost Energy Drink International Surfing Association (ISA) World Surfing Games (WSG) in Huntington Beach, started his Repercharge Heat 7 strong. He paddled out confidently in 4- to 5- waves, and made quick snaps and rode down the line to defend the colors of Costa Rica .

The level of surfing was high, and he stayed alive for the first 10 minutes. However, the heat was a fight to the death between Brown and the Hawaiian Sebastian Zietz, one that came to a head with a double interference on one particular wave that ended the hopes of the Tico. Brown placed 4 th . Australia 's Julian Wilson won 1 st place, Zietz took 2 nd place even with the interference and Mexico 's Diego Cadena was 3 rd .

Despite Brown's elimination today, the seven-day stand of the Costa Rican surf delegation has made history both in the global surfing community, and in the Latin world. With the exception of Brazil , this Tico Team - which consists of Brown, Nino Myrie (Puerto Viejo), Luis Vindas (Jaco), Diejo Naranjo (Jaco), Lisbeth Vindas (Jaco), Nataly Bernold (Tamarindo), Ivan Castillo (Quepos), and Walter Gatgens (Quepos)—have gone further in the 21 st edition of the WSG than anyone expected.

On the webpage of the ISA, which will be revised and finalized tomorrow after the WSG is completed, it is indicated that Costa Rica has earned 11,720 for its surf work this past week. Provisionally, the Team occupies 7 th place among 33 countries, and except for Brazil , is the best Latin American Surf Team.

In a surprising addition to a spectacular week for the Costa Rican group, the surfers were invited back to the beach once again this afternoon to represent their country in a surf contest among the best-of-the best in the Tag Team Semi Finals. The representative countries in this particular event are the Top 8 countries of the ISA World Surfing Games 2004. Two years ago, the Ticos came in 9 th place, an excellent improvement over its previous visit where the surfers ranked 30 th, which meant the guys and gals of this year's event were ineligible to participate in the exhibition contest. However, Spain , who were eligible, declined to partake in the afternoon festivities, and although World Surfing Games host, Surfing America and its U.S.A. team are, by right, allowed to fill in, the Red, White, and Blue surfers offered the spot to the Costa Rica Surf Team.

The fruitful representation of the Ticos in the WSG continued when Lisbeth Vindas, Nino Myrie, Diego Naranjo, Luis Vindas, and Gilbert Brown arrived again at Huntington Beach within 30-minute's notice of start time. In a thrilling 50-minute heat, where the five of them were allowed three waves each against the strongest, finest surfers of Tahiti , Peru and Australia , they pulled through once again in the clinches. Diego anchored the team, followed by Nino, then Lisbeth, and Gilbert was the 'power surfer, with Luis coming up the rear to clean up in the final minutes to take the team from 3 rd place to 2 nd .

Among strains of Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole- Tiiiiicoooo. Tiiiiiicoooo! sung by all the Costa Ricans on the beach team members, staff of the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica, and visitors it was announced that they would compete in the Tag Team Finals on Sunday.

Australia came in 1 st place, Peru was 3 rd place, and Tahiti was 4 th place. In the other Semi Final, Brazil was 1 st place, South Africa was 2 nd place, France was 3 rd place and Venezuela was 4 th place.

Therefore, the Tag Team Finals will be the top surfers from Costa Rica against Australia , Brazil , and South Africa .

To view the Costa Rica National Surf Team in action at the 2006 Lost Energy Drink ISA World Surfing Games go to or

For more information about the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica go to

El equipo - 13-year-old Nataly Bernold (also of Tamarindo); Diego Naranjo (Jaco), Gilbert Brown (Puerto Viejo), Ivan Castillo (Quepos), Walter Gatgens (Jaco), Nino Myrie (Puerto Viejo), Lisbeth Vindas (Jaco), Luis Vindas (Jaco). Antonio Pilurzu, President of the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica (FSC); Jose Urena, Team Coach and Vice President FSC; Christophe "Kiki" Commarieu, Publisher of Surfos, the Latin American Surfing Magazine based in Costa RicaCOSTA RICA NATIONAL SURF TEAM WITH ROBERT AUGUST JOIN "PARADE OF NATIONS" AND CONTRIBUTE TO "SANDS OF THE WORLD" OPENING CEREMONY AT THE 2006 LOST ENERGY DRINK ISA WORLD SURFING GAMES UNDERWAY BODYBOARD AND LONGBOARD COMPETITORS HIT THE WAVES TODAY

Huntington Beach , California - October 15, 2006 - When the 21 st edition of the 2006 Lost Energy Drink International Surfing Association (ISA) World Surfing Games (WSG) kicked off yesterday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. PDT, Costa Rica's National Surf Team joined 33 other countries in the traditional "Parade of Nations' on the Huntington Pier.

Dressed in team uniforms consisting of red shirts with white lettering proclaiming "COSTA RICA Surf Team," worn with blue pants, the Tico procession formed under sunny skies behind Costa Rica 's unofficial Ambassador of Surf, Robert August. August has help boast the Central American country's surf tourism tremendously beginning when the "Endless Summer" star-and Huntington resident-put his adopted second home of Costa Rica and some of its breaks in the sequel film, "Endless Summer II." The longboard legend has a Robert August Surf Shop in Tamarindo as well.

Following August, carrying the Costa Rican flag, was 13-year-old Nataly Bernold (also of Tamarindo); then came Diego Naranjo (Jaco) and Gilbert Brown (Puerto Viejo). The three were trailed by Ivan Castillo (Quepos), Walter Gatgens (Jaco); Nino Myrie (Puerto Viejo), Lisbeth Vindas (Jaco), Luis Vindas (Jaco), as well as Antonio Pilurzu, President of the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica (FSC); Jose Urena, Team Coach and Vice President FSC; Christophe "Kiki" Commarieu, Publisher of Surfos, the Latin American Surfing Magazine based in Costa Rica and various FSC support staff.

When the Tico delegation completed its march down the Pier to the staging area, Brown poured sand from Playa Langosta, Costa Rica into a specially crafted acrylic box during the "Sands of the World" ceremony. Each country in the WSG participates in this ritual, according to the ISA, because the "multi-colored layers of sand ceremoniously display the fraternal spirit, unity and the ISA's hopes for a peaceful world and continued spirit of community through the sport of surfing."

Costa Rican team member Naranjo agreed with that philosophy. "I feel really proud of my country," he said. "To participate in this day's events with all the cultures, colors and different country's getting together in Huntington Beach is great. We're getting the opportunity to make the world a better place through this sport."

With the 33 sands all mixed, the surf teams perched on the lawn in front of him and the official speeches completed, ISA President Fernando Aguerre, pronounced the words all had been waiting to hear: "I declare the 21 st World Surfing Games Open!"

Naranjo, turns out, is the first to hit the waves today for Costa Rica , surfing in the Longboard category.

"We have big hopes for Diego," reported Coach Urena. "He's been training hard for both Open and Longboard. And just before he arrived in Huntington , Diego competed in a tournament in Puntarenus , Costa Rica , and won 1 st place in Longboard."

Tico's Walter Gatgens and Ivan Castrillo are also set to compete in Bodyboarding today, with Lisbeth Vindas-who normally reigns as Costa Rican Women's Surf Champion-going at it in Bodyboarding Women's division as well.

To view the Costa Rica National Surf Team in action at the 2006 Lost Energy Drink ISA World Surfing Games go to or

For more information about the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica go to

call 800-548-1753.

Photo of Costa Rica's Nataly Bernold, Gilbert Brown, Diego Naranjo at the "Sands of the World" ceremony provided by ISA.


CONTACT: Ellen Zoe Golden 1-800-578-1753

SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA - September 15, 2006 - Antonio Pilurzu, President of the Federacion de Surf de Costa Rica (CRFS), announced today the nationally selected surfers who will travel to represent their country in Huntington Beach, California at the 2006 Lost Energy Drink International Surfing Association (ISA) World Surfing Games (WSG). The competition, which takes place October 14 through 22, is considered the Olympics of Surfing, in that the Games feature some of the best surfers from all over the world vying for team and individual gold, silver, bronze and copper medals. Costa Rica will take to the waves among 28 countries, including teams from Argentina , Australia , Brazil , France , Jamaica , Japan , Mexico , New Zealand , South Africa , Tahiti , the United Kingdom , and the United States . The Games are hosted by Surfing America, the national governing body for the sport of surfing in the U.S.

Surfing for Costa Rica in the Open category are Puerto Viejo's Gilbert Brown and Nino Myrie,both Tico National Surf Champions,as well as Jaco's Luis Vindas and Diejo Naranjo,both ranked Top 10 on the Asociacion Latinoamericana de Surf (ALAS) Latin & Caribbean Pro.

Lisbeth Vindas of Jaco and Nataly Bernold of Tamarindo, the Central American Women's Champion and #2 ranked CA gal, will compete in the WSG for Costa Rica 's Women. Lupe Galluccio of Jaco, the Costa Rican National Junior Women's Champion, will travel to Huntington as a substitute.

Also joining the National Team will be bodyboders Ivan Castrillo (Quepos) and Walter Gatgens (Quepos).

According to Pilurzu, this trip to Huntington Beach represents latest advance for the Costa Rican National Surf Team. Over the past seven years, a new generation of surfers has participated in the Circuito Nacional de Surf, Costa Rica 's annual country wide competition. The CRFS hosted the first-ever Central American tournament earlier this year, and many of Costa Rica 's surfers have had the opportunity to travel to international contests. All of this progress, has not only strengthened their athletic skills, Pilurzu affirmed, but their competitive mindset, too.

"We are taking to the World Surfing Games, a group of athletes who in recent times have risen many levels," Pilurzu said. "In addition, the team includes figures like Luis Vindas and Diego Naranjo who have long-time experience, and who are outstanding, as much inside Costa Rica as they are outside the country."

The National Surf Team will sharpen their skills in a tournament October 7 and 8 in Boca Barranca, Puntarenas. The event, put on by the Surf Commission of that canton, is a benefit to help finance the social programs of the Hogar Monserrat de Ninos, located in the city.

Costa Rica 's Federacion de Surf is the governing body for surfing in Costa Rica and is recognized by ISA, the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), and ALAS. The Circuito Nacional de Surf is a non-profit subsidiary of the FS and is made up of a group of professionals who donate their efforts out of passion for the sport and a desire to advance the sport of surfing in Costa Rica .

The CNS is a series tournaments hosted each year within Costa Rica which provide the only yearly national surf rankings available. For more information about this event and Costa Rica 's Federacion de Surf and the Circuito Nacional de Surf visit .

La Federación de Surf de Costa Rica estableció los nombres de los seleccionados nacionales que participarán en los Juegos Mundiales de esta disciplina que se realizarán el próximo mes en Huntington Beach, California, Estados Unidos.

Según la decisión de esa entidad deportiva la delegación costarricense estará integrada Gilberth Brown, Germaine Myre, Luis Vindas y Diego Naranjo en la categoría open .

Además, en mujeres resultaron designadas la vecina de Playa Tamarindo de Guanacaste, Natalie Bernold, junto con la actual campeona centroamericana, Lisbeth Vindas, mientras que Lupe Galluccio viajará en calidad de suplente.

La edición 21 de los llamados World Surfing Games (WSG) está organizada por la International Surfing Association (ISA) que realiza este evento cada dos años cuando reúne a los mejores exponentes de ese deporte.

El calendario de los WSG se inicia el 14 de octubre con la ceremonia de apertura a la que asistirán las representaciones de 26 países –confirmados a la fecha- y terminará el 22 de octubre en horas de la tarde con la entrega de los premios.

Junto con los competidores en open y mujeres completarán el equipo de Costa Rica, Iván Castrillo y Wálter Gatgens, en la modalidad de bodyboard.

De acuerdo con el Presidente de la Federación de Surf, Antonio Pilurzu, el viaje a Huntington Beach representa un nuevo paso en favor de las nuevas generaciones surgidas durante las recientes temporadas del CNS.

“Estamos llevando un grupo de atletas que en los tiempos recientes ha venido subiendo muchísimo de nivel. Además, irán acompañados por figuras como Luis Vindas y Diego Naranjo quienes tienen una larga experiencia y que han destacado tanto dentro como fuera del país”, resaltó Pilurzu.

Los seleccionados afinarán detalles en un torneo que se llevará a cabo el próximo 7 y 8 de octubre en Boca Barranca, Puntarenas. El evento, a cargo de la Comisión de Surf de ese cantón, tiene como meta reunir fondos para ayudar a financiar los programas sociales del Hogar Monserrat de Niños ubicados en ciudad porteña.

Las personas que deseen más información al respecto se pueden comunicar con Luis Castrillo, periodista de la Federación de Surf de Costa Rica, tel (506). 3639921.

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