Wednesday, January 3, 2007

CR Surf Report for 1-3-07

Costa Rica's Weekly Surf Report
Volume 9, Issue 364
January 3rd, 2007


Pacific - Waves are waist high, with a few chest high sets each hour with maybe one random head high peeler.. Minimal swell from the West brings waist to chest high at best surf for the next 8-9 days with a 12-13 second period. Only the most consistent peaks will have any hope for a head high wave. A southwest swell is setting up for an overhead hit by a week from Monday (1/15)

Caribbean - The first BIG swell is here - 1 to 2 foot overhead at the beach breaks, bigger on the reefs with an 8 second period. Best day is Thursday morning, when sets hit double overhead. After that it drops a foot each day through the weekend. Still a foot overhead and cleaner conditions by Sunday. By early next week it fades back to chest high and another wait for waves.

To do your own forecast - use our links at

TIDES for 1/3/06 (add ~50 min. each day)

Low Tide - .18 feet at 8:27 a.m.
High Tide - 8.46 feet at 2:44 p.m.

Full Moon - 1/3


CNS contest in Tamarindo draws 135 surfers, Germaine Myrie wins the Open Division, Lisbeth Vindas wins for the women. Next CNS contest January 6 to 7th in Jaco (for the Juniors, too)

Travel with award-winning travel guide author Harry S. Pariser around Costa Rica and experience its wonders! Buy the 2006 Explore Costa Rica Guide at

Help save the Golfo Dulce from a giant Tuna Farm approved to be built near Punta Banco. A Letter from Tiskita Foundation asks for assistance.

Contact info@... to get your trip package reservations. Family Surf Lessons can be custom built for your experience and budget.
** Surf Reporters **
Diana at PuraMar Surf School (653-1355) in Tamarindo - puramartamarindo@...
Hotel Las Tortugas (653-0423) in Playa Grande - surfegg@...
Chosita del Surf (643-1308, fax 643-3328) in Jaco - chucks@...
Rancho Coral (778-8648) in Esterillos - wearesurfing@...
Hotel Totem in Playa Cocles (750-0758) - totem368@...
Manuel Antonio Surf School (777-4842) - info@...
Witchs Rock Surf Camp in Tamarindo - stephenmonticone@...
John Lyman Photography in Playa Negra - lymanphoto@...
Samara Surf School (656-0055) in Samara - jesse@...
Land Assurance (787-0291) in Dominical - info@...
Coconut Harrys (682-0574) in Nosara - coconutharrys@... (643-7025) in Hermosa - info@...
Witchs Rock Surf Trips (670-1020) in Playa de Coco - rocasurf@...
Nathon's Place (355-4359) in Jaco - NathonsPlace@...

** Sponsors **
CR Surfing Guide (619-520-3545) - gustavo@...
Villas Rio Mar (787-0052 fax 787-0054) in Playa Dominical - info@...
Tico Travel - Surf Trips (1-800-493-8426) - info@...
Costa Paraiso Lodge (787-0025) in Dominicalito - info@...
Surfer's Guide to Costa Rica
Pablos Picasso Hotel and Restaurant (658-8158) in Playa Negra -pablospicassohotel@...
Hotel Poseidon (Toll free:888-643-1242 or 643-1642) reservations@...
Hotel Cafe de Paris (682-0087, fax 682-0089) in Nosara - info@...
Cashew Hill Jungle Lodge (750-0256) in Puerto Viejo - reservations@...
Cabinas Las Olas (658-8315 Fax: 222-8685) in Playa Avellanas - olassa@...
Teen Spanish and Surf Camps (1-800-765-0025) - info@...
Cafe Playa Negra (658-8351) - cafeplayanegra@...
Green Iguana Surf Camp (825-1381) in Dominical - admin@...
School of the World (643-2462) in Jaco - info@...
Roca Bruja Surf Tours (670-1020) in Playa del Coco - rocasurf@...
Hotel La Dolce Vita (778-7015 ) in Esterillos - info@...
La Sirena Hotel (1-800-493-8426) in Quepos - info@...
Third World Surf (643-1497) in Jaco - thirdworldproductionscr@...
Ranchos Ituana (640-0095) in Mal Pais - peter@...
Tres Monos Lodge (640-0090, 825-1381) in Mal Pais - karla_malpais@...
Nature Cabina for rent near Dominical Beaches - qpb@...
Kevin's Transfers (643-2604 / cell:(712) 361-9218) in Jaco - comeeds@...
A Surfer's Dream House in Playa Negra - info@...

AREA REPORTS (sent in on 12/30 or posted)

** From Louis at Hotel Las Tortugas in Playa Grande -

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: We've had perfect conditions and a good small swell all week.

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves) - Que va a pasar este fin de semana (clima y olas): The swell has been losing size, but the form is still good.

BEST PLACE TO SURF THIS WEEKEND IN YOUR AREA - El mejor lugar a surfear este fin de semana en su area: It's quite a bit larger at the main peak just to the south of the hotel.

** From Joe at Witchs Rock Surf Camp in Tamarindo -

Today we went to Avellanas. it was very fun, with strong offshore wind. it was knee to chest high, with some nice little barrels. it was crowded, but pretty well spread out on different peaks.

** From John at Lyman Photos in Playa Negra/Tamarindo -

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: The waves have been in the waist to chest to head high range. Strong offshore wind and warm sunny skies.

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves) - Que va a pasar este fin de semana (clima y olas): Expect more of the same for most of the upcoming week.

BEST PLACE TO SURF THIS WEEKEND IN YOUR AREA - El mejor lugar a surfear este fin de semana en su area: The holiday crowds are here. With the low tide running through the mornings this week, go to Playa Langosta. Less people and the ones that are there will be glad to see you.

NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS- Noticias y dias especiales: See what the surf looks like today at Playa Negra. Go to

** From Harry at Coconut Harrys Surf Shop in Playa Guiones -

Santa Claus came and went, taking the swell with him! It's pretty fun around incoming mid to high tides with maybe chest-shoulder high surf showing. Otherwise, celebrate 2007 early and have a beer :) SURF * EAT * SLEEP * REPEAT

** From Erik, with the Nosara surf report -(1/2)

Small Surf, but I ain't bumming... I'm a dad today!!! Reports will be coming back.. Having a baby is wild! I am still going to get water time, but if you catch me sleeping out there, just wake me up if a set is coming... no sleep for like 6 days now. News - The Nosara Surf Team, a local surf team that rewards young surfers who stay in school and help their community needs donations! On your next trip down please help us by bringing any old baggies, leashes, lycras, boards, ect... to help our surf team. Surf supplies are hard to get and expensive in Costa Rica, and your junk would make some local groms super stoked! You can drop off supplies at Wanderlust Realty or email me for details here . Thanks, Erik.

** From Jesse at the Samara Surf School -

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: The swell is wanting to be big but can't quite make it happen these months. Hopefully with the changing of the moon we'll get some sets.
Though perfect conditions for beginners and intermediates. Nice 3 to 4 foot waves, perfect form, nice shap and no wind.

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves) - Que va a pasar este fin de semana (clima y olas): Expected to keep the same, until the next week and then the size should get to about 5 foot. Due to summertime conditions it's always going to be sunny, with some glass and no chop.

BEST PLACE TO SURF THIS WEEKEND IN YOUR AREA - El mejor lugar a surfear este fin de semana en su area: Always the best spot in Samara is right in front of the Las Brisas Del Pacifico Hotel. No localism or crowds. Waves may not be as big as other cities, but mellow and safe beach break, with extremely easy access. Perfect for surfers of all levels.

NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS- Noticias y dias especiales: Jesse's surf safaris, come one come all.... Join us on these safari dates in January, 1st-3rd, 21st-23rd, in Feb: 1-3. "Surf til you drop, Eat til you stop!", a life changing experience. Welcome! For more information visit us at or give us a call 506-656-0055. PURA VIDA and a Happy New Year to all, with great hopes for prosperity, good health and happiness.. See you next year! **A new after school program and local library have been developed. All thanks to our lovely Maria Schwab, via Intercultura spanish school. Foundation CREAR- come help and be a part of inspiring our future, the youth.

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