Saturday, June 30, 2007

CR Surf Report for 6-30-07

Costa Rica's Weekly Surf Report
Volume 9, Issue 388
June 30th, 2007


60 surfers competed on June 23rd in Playa Hermosa to help support the nearby wildlife refuge. Gilbert Brown won while Jim Hogan gets the soul surfer honor. Stay tuned for more efforts to keep Hermosa natural.

Tamarindo Mixer at the Surf Club Langosta, 4 p.m. Sunday. Come out to meet others who care about the future of Tamarindo.

Contact info@... to get your trip package reservations. Family Surf Lessons can be custom built for your experience and budget.


Pacific - Surf Sunday will be chest to head high and clean from the SSW. A Southwest starts to fill in Monday up to overhead and peaks Tuesday with sets a foot overhead. The sets Wednesday double up from a WSW pulse, but there's not too much size. Thursday it fades to headhigh, more of the same for Friday. Saturday and Sunday it drops to chest high, with still a few head high sets. The best spots get some overhead sets every hour, but will be crowded.

Caribbean - July starts with chest to head high surf from an ENE wind swell then picks up to overhead on Monday. Tuesday afternoon tops out with sets 1-2 foot overhead. Wednesday is a foot smaller, still fun, and there's more waves as well, yet a little smaller by day's end. Thursday it drops down to head high and by Saturday this swell is gone, but another is right behind it for next week.

To do your own forecast - use our links at

TIDES for 6/30/07 (add ~50 min. each day)

Low Tide - 1.78 feet at 8:28 a.m.
High Tide - 8.63 feet at 2:25 p.m.

Full Moon - June 30th

** Surf Reporters **
Diana at PuraMar Surf School (653-1355) in Tamarindo - puramartamarindo@...
Hotel Las Tortugas (653-0423) in Playa Grande - surfegg@...
Chosita del Surf (643-1308, fax 643-3328) in Jaco - chucks@...
Hotel Totem in Playa Cocles (750-0758) - totem368@...
Witchs Rock Surf Camp in Tamarindo - stephenmonticone@...
John Lyman Photography in Playa Negra - lymanphoto@...
Samara Surf School (656-0055) in Samara - jesse@...
Land Assurance (787-0291) in Dominical - info@...
Coconut Harrys (682-0574) in Playa Guiones - reyersteve@...

** Sponsors **
A Surfer's Dream House in Playa Negra - info@...
Blue Trailz (653-0221) in Tamarindo - info@...
CR Surfing Guide (619-520-3545) - gustavo@...
Villas Rio Mar (787-0052 fax 787-0054) in Playa Dominical - info@...
Tico Travel - Surf Trips (1-800-493-8426) - info@...
Costa Paraiso Lodge (787-0025) in Dominicalito - info@...
Surfer's Guide to Costa Rica
Dona Paulina's Hotel and Restaurant (658-8158) in Playa Negra - infodonapaulina@...
Hotel Poseidon (Toll free:888-643-1242 or 643-1642) reservations@...
Cashew Hill Jungle Lodge (750-0256) in Puerto Viejo - reservations@...
Cabinas Las Olas (658-8315 Fax: 222-8685) in Playa Avellanas - olassa@...
Teen Spanish and Surf Camps (1-800-765-0025) - info@...
Cafe Playa Negra (658-8351) - cafeplayanegra@...
School of the World (643-2462) in Jaco - info@...
Roca Bruja Surf Tours (670-1020) in Playa del Coco - rocasurf@...
Hotel La Dolce Vita (778-7015 ) in Esterillos - info@...
La Sirena Hotel (1-800-493-8426) in Quepos - info@...
Third World Surf (643-1497) in Jaco - thirdworldproductionscr@...
Ranchos Ituana (640-0095) in Mal Pais - peter@...
Nature Cabina for rent near Dominical Beaches - qpb@...
Kevin's Transfers (643-2604 / cell:(712) 361-9218) in Jaco - comeeds@...


** From Diana at Pura Mar Surf Shop in Tamarindo - (6/30)

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: What a great week it's been for surf! More south-facing beaches have had bigger surf than we have, but the wind's stayed off-shore and the surf has been waist to chest high. Great conditions for learning and for surfing--not every day you get both at once! Que buena semana para surfear! Las playas que dan mas al sur han tenido olas mas grandes que nosotros pero el viento ha sido off-shore y las olas de a la cintura o de al pecho. Buenas condiciones para aprender y para surfear--no son todos los dias que se pueden hacer las dos cosas!

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves) - Que va a pasar este fin de semana (clima y olas): Surf size is supposed to pick up a litte and the swell shifs a bit west which will help us out here a lot. El tamano de olas se dice que sera un poco mas grande y el swell vendra un poco mas del oeste lo cual para nosotros es muy buena noticia.

BEST PLACE TO SURF THIS WEEKEND IN YOUR AREA - El mejor lugar a surfear este fin de semana en su area: Playa Grande, Langosta or the Tamarindo river mouth if you've got your longboard ready to go. Playa Grande, Langosta o la boca del rio en Tamarindo si tienes listo el longboard.

** From Louis at Hotel Las Tortugas in Playa Grande - (6/30)

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: Head high, off shore, and excellent!

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves) - Que va a pasar este fin de semana (clima y olas): More of the same if the wind holds for high tide in the afternoon.

BEST PLACE TO SURF THIS WEEKEND IN YOUR AREA - El mejor lugar a surfear este fin de semana en su area: There are lots of people rotating in and out of the main peak to the south of the hotel all day, but there are also good peaks all along the north end of the bay.

** From photographer John Lyman, Lyman Photos in Playa Negra - (6/30)

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS - Tamano de las olas y condiciones: The major south swell that came through our area was just too south and Playa Negra didn't see much of it. A few head high sets and that was about it. We have had some unseasonably strong offshore winds the last couple days. Beautiful clear skies and not much rain. Could the little summer be a bit early this year? Coming up look for smaller surf as this swell backs down. Chest high on the sets until this coming weekend when a SW starts to show on Saturday with a perfect direction for us here at Playa Negra. It should be well overhead with good shape.

NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS- Noticias y dias especiales: You can see just how flat Playa Negra is right now. .

** From Erik at in Playa Guiones - (6/30)

Well, I get a surf this morning, and boy am I stoked I made that decision. It was head high, but dead low tide and rights were zipping across the sandbar. I pulled in a few times, and kept getting my head whacked, and finally got a big one to open up right and had a pretty good barrel. Almost standing. Yeah!!!! I am still stoked on that one.

Surf this morning looks pretty fun, I wasn't planning on surfing, but after looking at it, think I will have a go. Sets are in the head high range, wtih some larger peaks, and form is good. We have a low tide coming up at around 8AM. Winds are light and variable at report time, and I think it will be clean for a while.

We had a few folks register for the forum yesterday, and sulrich is the winner of the trit and coke.. so shoot me an email and the next time you are down you can claim your prize. It is almost a shame that Trit_Lover didn't win, but maybe if you come by I can hook one up for the comedy in that...

** From Andrea at Waves CR Surf Camp in Playa Hermosa -

Surf apoya causa ambientalista - 60 tablistas llegaron a Playa Hermosa de Garabito, Puntarenas - por Lena Catalina Lizarazo Siza Playa Hermosa, Puntarenas . Un total de 60 surfeadores se hicieron presentes frente a las instalaciones del Hotel Las Olas en Playa Hermosa de Playa Hermosa con el propósito de contribuir al desarrollo de un proyecto que tiene como objetivo, educar y crear un sentido de pertenencia y de conciencia, tanto a vecinos como a visitantes, quienes llegan al Refugio de Vida Silvestre Playa Hermosa.

La competencia se realizó para apoyar el trabajo en beneficio del Refugio, creado hace tres años. En el esfuerzo deportivo participaron varias entidades gubernamentales como la Cámara de Comercio del Pacifico y agrupaciones como Christians Surfers.

" El objetivo central, es recaudar fondos para la limpieza en Playa hermosa y la protección de vidas silvestres. Todos sus organizadores son voluntarios, a medida que se va dando a conocer la organización y la existencia de estos eventos, vemos como muchas personas de diferentes organizaciones se interesan por brindarnos su apoyo y eso es muy importante tanto para los vecinos de Playa Hermosa, como para sus visitantes." Expreso Cristina Truitt, codirectora la Cámara de Comercio del Pacifico.

Durante la competencia participaron reconocidas figuras del surf tico como Carlos Munoz, actual campeón de categoría Boys en el ranking del Circuito Nacional de Surf y el connotado caribeño de Puerto Viejo de Limón Gilbert Brown.

Balance de resultados - Según el reporte oficial de los organizadores la representante local, Andrea Díaz, obtuvo el primer lugar con la maniobra en la mejor ola en la categoría de mujeres, premio que en hombres de lo adjudicó, Gilbert Brown.

El vecino de Playa Esterillos Oeste, Carlos Muñoz, se adjudicó la distinción como el mejor movimiento aéreo. Entretanto, Michael Torres consiguió la mejor ola en la categoría de grommets. Otros surfeadores como Garret Andrews, conquistó la mejor ola masters (mayores de 30 años) y Jimmy Hogan, la mejor soul wave.

Desde ya se planea otro evento que contara con la participación y colaboración de otras organizaciones asociadas con el proyecto de Playa Hermosa. En el futuro los organizadores esperan repetir la experiencia para continuar el apoyo en favor del área protegida de Playa Hermosa.

** From Brice at Land Assurance in Dominical -

AREA WAVE HEIGHTS AND CONDITIONS: After a bit of a swell, we are back to head high waves. They look peaky and nice, but I've been too busy to surf for over a week :-(

WHAT TO EXPECT THIS WEEKEND (weather and waves): It looks like we should continue with the head high type surf until Monday. The tide is coming around to my favorite for the wave conditions. You get a mid-tide session in the morning and the evening. High tide is a couple hours after noon/midnight.


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